Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Project Proposal

Project Proposal form
Learner Name
Natalie Blackshaw
Learner number
Centre Name
Warrington Collegiate
Centre Number
Teacher Assessor
Rebecca Rogers
Extended Project: Giant Queen
Proposed project title
Printing Of The Fabric
Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities


Title or working title of project (in the form of a question, commission or design brief)
We were asked to create a large garment by Warrington Wolves for the giant Queen. This was to take place in the Chester Giants Parade to celebrate the Queens jubilee. We had 8 weeks to do this task. Within this time frame i explored lino printing techniques, researching information about Queen Elizabeth II and sculptors and puppetry. After completion I had a lot more practice with the lino printing technique and a lot of knowledge about the queen. 
Project objectives (eg, what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how to do? What do you want to find out?):
We wanted to learn how to print and the design cycle helped us to do this.
We decided on doing a lino print for the queens dress this was because it was the easiest and quickest way for the amount of time we had to do the dress. We also thought that it looked the best and stood out more which would make the garment look better! We did a lot of research into the queen and the printing techniques in order to make the garment to the best of our ability.

If it is a group project, what will your responsibilities be?
My responsibilities include product management (to create the garment) I have to have good time management. I also responsible for helping to creating the design of the dress. We also have to consider the costing of the fabric.
Section Two: Reasons for choosing this project
Reasons for choosing the project (eg, links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):
We chose the project as it is good work experience and good for the CV, we had to stay to industry deadlines industry fees and expectations. It also links to my art course as I was doing a printing project so this has helped my printing techniques. This topic was important because it was a worldwide celebration for the queens jubilee. Doing this project has given me a lot of experience with the lino printing technique which has been very useful as I was doing 'A Tale Of Two Prints' project along side this extended project.

Section Three: Activities and timescales

Activities to be carried out during the project (eg, research, development and analysis of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis, rehearsal techniques, production meetings, production of final outcome, administration, evaluation, preparing for the presentation, etc):

Researching Warrington Wolves foundation/Chester- the Giants/Pictures of the Queen/ Printing techniques/ history of the Queen/ The Queens sculptor.

Development and anaylsis of research

Writing - communication of blog, presentation sample folder with annotation.

Production meeting - viewing of the sculpture, dressing of sculpture and finally jubilee visit.
Exploration making samples and drawings of the queen (designs)

Development and production  Making the prints for the dress, taking/finding photographs of the queen, step by steps through samples and annotations.

Evaluation  Evaluating what went wrong, what I could have done better and how to make it better

Presentational methods you want to explore? BLOG 

How long this will take:

7 days

7 days

2 days

3 days

5 days

1 day

Thorough out whole project

Milestone one: 1 to 1 tutorials

Target date (set by tutor-assessor): 21st September

Milestone two: 1 to 1 tutorials

Target date (set by tutor-assessor): 16th November

Section Four: Resources

What resources will you need for your research, write up and presentation (eg, libraries, books, journals, equipment, rehearsal space, technology and equipment, venue, physical resources, finance)


The equipment I have used in my research has been books and the internet. Pencils to draw my sketched of the queen. A piece of lino and a lino cutter for the actual lino cut. Then finally the fabric that we printed onto.


April - we visit the queens giant head
May - completion of the garment    
May - hand over to client warrington wolves


When doing my presentation I used an online presentation webiste called Prezi

What your areas of research will cover?


I will research The Queens history to help me to do this project to the best of my ability. I will also research into print so that we know what the best type of printing technique is best for the garment. I have also researched into sculpture and puppetry for example Nick Elphick who sculpted the queens head for the parade. 

Comments and agreement from tutor-assessor
Is the learner taking this project as part of the Diploma?                                                          Yes/No
If yes, which Diploma are they taking?   ______________________________________________
Comments (optional):
Is project derived from work which has been/will be submitted for another qualification?          Yes/No
Which qualification (title and unit)?      _______________________________________________
Comments (optional):
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate.
Agreed:                                                             (name)                                                    (date)
Comments and agreement from project proposal checker                                                                           
Comments (optional):
I confirm that the project is appropriate.
Agreed:                                                             (name)                                                (date)

Digital Mood Board

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

My Lino Print

The Printing Process

The Printing Process
  • Firstly, we have to draw the picture of the queen we want to be printed, on to the lino. You can either do this free hand or you can use tracing paper. 
  • Secondly, using the lino cutters, cut out the drawing making sure that you are doing it right (all the raised area will be printed). When doing this process you have to make sure that you cut away from your body and have to make sure that your fingers arnt in the way to provent hurting yourself.
  • Once you have got your image correct on the lino, you then start to add the prefered coloured ink using a roller, you have to make sure that your roller is not overloaded and the ink is spread evenly over the lino so you dont get any splodges.
  • You then print your lino print on to the chosen fabric.
  • Once the lino is carefully placed onto the fabric, you then use a clean roller and roll over the top so that you know the ink had actually printed onto the fabric all over.
  • Once you have done this carefully lift the lino off the fabric and leave fabric to dry.

My Drawings

Really quick stick and ink drawing coloured in with watercolour paints. I purposfully made the watercolout look messy and made it go 'out the lines'.

Just a simple pencil drawing. I'm not very happy with this one, I dont think it looks anything like the queen.

Stick and ink drawing. This one scares me a bit :/

Again just a pencil drawing. Im quite happy with this one although could be better. And below just a drawing using a black biro pen.

Nick Elphick

North Wales-based artist Nick Elphick is a passionate visionary who has spent the last ten years working to the bone to better understand form and the human mind. With lots of experience in all areas of sculpting, moulding and casting, including teaching. Nick has a team of skilled workers which lets him create any type of commission, large or small. 
When researching into Nick Elphic I found some really amazing sculptures he has done. He completesd 4 bronze sculptures for the olympic opra. Elphick from Llandudno, Conwy, was asked to sculpt Greek Olympic figures for the Garsington Opera in June, weeks before London 2012 opens. It is based at the home of the late philanthropist Sir Jean Paul Getty II. Mr Elphick said he was working 16-hour days because it was "one of those things you can't turn down".

''When we dream, anything is possible..''

Looking at Nick elphicks work has got me interested in some other sculptures. Especially the one locally. 'Dream' is situated in St. Helens


Dream is 20 metres high, however its foundation go almost twice that height down underground...

On average, 100,000 vehicles pass Dream daily, equating to more than 35 million vehicles each year...

A total of 6,160 man-hours were spent on site, during the construction of Dream and more than 5,500 cups of tea and coffee were drunk.

Dream is by Jaume Plensa. Jeaume Plensas work is displayed in Yorkshire Stulpture park... A place I have visited on a college trip.

Chester Giants

Chester Giants

At Chester the Giant City, they encourage people to get together and build a Giant in time for the 'Big Giant Parade' that takes place in Chester as part of the summer's Chestival events. The aim for the Parade for the the Queens Jubilee was the bring together at least 60 community Queen Elizabeth II Giants and 6,000 people from across Cheshire and Warrington. They wanted to create the most amazing, diverse and olourful Jubilee celebrations in the whole of the UK. They want national and international media to capture all of our hard work and send it around the world as an example of something that is really spectacular. The garment we are creating does not have to be an exact copy of one of the queens outfits,but should embody some aspects of our own community

After looking at the giants I have been doing more research into puppetry and I have become very interested. One thing that has caught my eye is The Giant Puppet in Liverpool.
Three giant puppets have taken to the streets of Liverpool to play out a weekend-long street theatre production inspired by the Titanic. A 30ft (9m) wooden puppet of a little girl "woke up" in Stanley Park before walking through the north of the city with her dog, papier mache puppet Xolo. A 50ft (15m) puppet of her uncle later emerged from Salthouse Dock and set off through the city centre.
It has been created by Nantes-based French company Royal de Luxe as part of Liverpool commemorations for the recent 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic.
It was inspired by a letter written by a young girl to her father, who was a steward on the Liverpool-registered liner.
The event will show the girl, called Little Girl Giant, walking around Liverpool on a quest to learn news of her father. Spectators saw her uncle - clad in a deep sea diving costume - emerge from Salthouse Dock with letters from the Titanic.

Little Girl Giant and her dog were "woken" by young musicians from Liverpool Philharmonic's In Harmony project at the start of the event at about 09:40 BST.

They moved through the city, coming to rest at Everton Brow at 12:30 BST.

They set off again at 16:30 BST, walking down Lime Street and through Liverpool One arriving at the Echo Arena on the waterfront at 19:30 BST, before going to "sleep" at the Kings Dock at 20:00 BST.

Thousands watched as the girl's uncle made his way past Liverpool waterfront and headed on a three-mile journey to Stanley Park in the Anfield area of the city.

The Puppet show is not only for liverpool but it is shown all over the world in places like vietnam.
"Some roads were not big enough for the giants, so we have had to be strategic about where to go.''
"Two hours of walking with giants is really physical work."
"To work with such a world-renowned company as Royal de Luxe is a real coup for Liverpool and it's wonderful we can mark this important anniversary with an unforgettable event."

Another celebration i have found is the Mexico's Day of the Dead.
It is held 1st and 2nd of november. But this is not a sad celebration, The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where it is a national holiday, and all banks are closed.

celebrants honor those who have passed away by visiting graves or building altars and decorating them with flowers, skulls, and the departed's favorite items. The souls of the dead are lured back for a visit not only with prayer but also with tequila, candy, storytelling, and parades.

When Jim Hammond came off the road after six years of touring with The Lion King as its puppetmaster, he settled in Fort Lauderdale, where he founded the Puppet Network and, not long afterward, got to work on making Day of the Dead a signature event.